December 12, 2024 6th (5th ordinary) Expert working group on floods held in Skoplje, North Macedonia

In the framework of the project "The Integrated Climate-Resilient Transboundary Flood Risk Management in the Drin River Basin in the Western Balkans (Drin FRM Project)", the 6th (5th ordinary) meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods was held in Skoplje, North Macedonia. The main objective of the meeting was to present and discuss the final results of Component 2 of the Drin FRM Project, marking the successful completion of the activities.
The meeting presented the final results of the Drin Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP), the Drin Flood Risk Management Strategy (FRMS) and the Feasibility Study on Flood Risk Transfer Mechanisms, which were developed based on the input received during the consultation process, as well as a review of all previous results of Component 2.

The agenda of the 6th (5th ordinary) session of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods included the following presentations:
  o Drin Coordinated Action Process and EWG on floods – Mr. Novak Cadjenovic – GWP-Med
o Developments in the DRIN FRM Project – (10.30-11.00 h) -Update by mr Novak Cadjenovic, GWP-Med
o Component 2 of the FRM project: Feasibility study Development of the flood risk financing mechanisms in the Drin Basin – Faraz U Amjad, international consultant
o Presentation of the Final Transboundary FRM Plan for the Drin River Basin 2025 - 2035 – Mr Luis Gomez - SWS Consulting Eng. (1/3)
o Results of the Component 2 of the Drin floods project- systematic overview after the Component 2 finalization – Mr. Novak Cadjenovic- GWP-Med
o INTERACTIVE SESSION: EWG on floods previous work and further operations – Mr. Novak Cadjenovic, GWP-Med
o Consultation Activities for FRMS and FRMAP – Ms Erdona Demiraj and Ervin Docaj - SWS Consulting Eng.

The final version of the FRMS and FRMP together with the sectoral strategies and the background report on the FRTM is approved by the 4 riparian countries (Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia)

The EWG on floods are kindly requested to process with the review the draft of the Feasibility study Development of the flood risk financing mechanisms in the Drin Basin and add comments/remarks directly in to the txt of the documents. The reviewing process deadline (for the documents in question) is December 16th, 2024. Documents are available at the section Documents and colour-coded for easy reference.

EWG members have been informed that although the DRIN AF project will end on 31.12.2024 - after successful implementation of all project activities, the support to the EWG on floods will be provided by the DRIN SAP project, which has just started.

The PPT presentations are also available in the Drin Web-Platform in the links above. The List of participants is available here.

September 26, 2024: Fifth Expert working group on Floods meeting held in Shkodra, Albania

In the framework of the project “The Integrated Climate-Resilient Transboundary Flood Risk Management in the Drin River Basin in the Western Balkans (Drin FRM Project)”, the 5th Meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods was held in Skhodra, Albania.

The meeting had as its primary objective to illustrate and discuss the final results of the assignment “Integrated Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Flood Risk Management Strategy and Plan for the Drin River Basin”, achieved by the
Consultant SWS Consulting Engineering (Italy).
The engaged cosultants (see presentations bellow) presented Drin Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) and Drin Flood Risk Management Strategy (FRMS) developed on the basis of the input received during the consultation process. The background report on flood risk transfer mechanisms and the final CC resilient Sectoral Strategies for Agriculture and Energy were also presented as important documents that should improve integrated flood management practices and contribute to the development of the specific FRMP and FRMS measures.
The agenda of the 5th Meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods included the following presentations:
  o Drin Coordinated Action Process and EWG on floods – Mr. Novak Cadjenovic – GWP-Med
o 4. Developments in the DRIN FRM Project – (10.30-11.00 h) - Ms Odeta Cato, Project manager
o 5.Component 2 of the FRM project: Development of the flood risk financing mechanisms in the Drin Basin – Faraz U Amjad, international consultant
o 6.Development of the sectoral strategies (energy and agriculture) – Mr. Angel Panov, Point-pro consulting
o 7.1 Presentation of the Draft Transboundary FRM Plan for the Drin River Basin 2025 - 2035 – Mr Luis Gomez - SWS Consulting Eng. (1/3)
o 7.2.Presentation and interactive session on the ACTION PLAN from the Draft Transboundary FRM Plan for the Drin River Basin 2025 - 2035 – Mr. Alban Doko and MS Dragana Milovanovic - SWS Consulting Eng.(2/3)
o INTERACTIVE SESSION: Discussion on the selection of the sites of mutual interest – Mr. Alban Doko,
o 7.3.Strategy for flood risk management in the Drin Basin – Mr. Luis Gomez - SWS Consulting Eng.

The final FRMS and FRMP and related Background documents are available for consultation and reviewing to the representatives of the 4 riparian countries (Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia).
The EWG on floods will be kindly requested to process with the review the draft reports and add comments/remarks directly in to the txt of the documents. The reviewing process deadline (for the documents in question) will be announced via e-mail to EWG members. Documents are available at the section Documents and colour-coded for easy reference.

The PPT presentations are also available in the Drin Web-Platform in the links above. The List of participants is available here.

October 20, 2023: Third Expert working group on Floods meeting held in Ulcinj October 12, 2023.

In the framework of the project “The Integrated Climate-Resilient Transboundary Flood Risk Management in the Drin River Basin in the Western Balkans (Drin FRM Project)”, the 3rd Meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods was held in Ulcinj, Montenegro.

The meeting had as its primary objective illustrate and discuss the preliminary results of the assignment “Integrated Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Flood Risk Management Strategy and Plan for the Drin River Basin”, achieved by the Consultant SWS Consulting Engineering (Italy).
The SWS experts illustrated the Road Map and the proposed Drin Flood Risk Management Strategy, which was based on the following axes of action:
1. Prioritize Prevention and Preparedness FRM Measures
2. Incentive NBS & No-Regret Climate Adaptation Measures
3. Promote Equitable Transboundary Cooperation to Minimize Flooding and Bottom-Up Community Based Projects

The draft Road Map, and related Background documents are available for consultation and reviewing to the representatives of the 4 riparian countries (Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia).
The EWG on floods will be kindly requested to process with the review the draft reports and add comments/remarks directly in to the txt of the documents. The reviewing process deadline (for the documents in question) will be announced via e-mail to EWG members. Documents are available at the section Documents

The agenda of the 3rd Meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Floods included the following presentations:
o Drin Coordinated Action Process and EWG on floods – Mr. Novak Cadjenovic – GWP-Med
o Development of the sectoral strategies (energy and agriculture) – Mr. Angel Panov, Point-pro consulting
o Development of the Flood risk management Strategy and Plan for the Drin basin – Component 2, Drin FRM Project
o Background report findings – Mr. Luis Gomez - SWS Consulting Eng.
o Road map for development of the Flood risk Strategy and Plan – Mr. Luis Gomez - SWS Consulting Eng.
o INTERACTIVE SESSION: Discussion on the selection of the sites of mutual interest – Mr. Alban Doko,
o Communication plan for development of Drin FRS and Plan – Dr. Erdona Demiraj SWS Consulting Eng.

The PPT presentations are also available in the Drin Web-Platform in the links above

October 12, 2023: Expert working group on Floods meeting in progress

3rd Expert working group meeting is in progress and can be followed on the

  • September 18, 2023: Next Expert working group on Floods meeting

    The members of the Floods Expert Working Group have agreed that the next meeting of the EWG on Floods will be held on October 12, 2023 in Ulcinj, Montenegro. The Secretariat of the EWG on Floods (GWP-Med) will organize the meeting accordingly.